Anime/Manga Icons

These are icons that were made either by someone else for me, made by me, or claimed from a batch of icons assorted people made. It's mostly the last one. This page is so you can see what ones I rotate through my LiveJournal.

Was made by Lilac.

Was made by peach_jello.

Coming Of Age
Snagged from linen_tartaruga.

Zanne made this and said I could use it. ^_^

Go Die
Made by darkblysse.

I Don't Like You
Made by darkblysse.

Eternal Sailor Moon 1
Made by Jenna.

Eternal Sailor Moon 2
Made by Jenna.

Icon Saruki made that I claimed.

Good Me Day
Icon made by Indigo that I and Zanne claimed.

Kittenallie made it, I claimed it.

Made by zakai_.

Icon Saruki made that I claimed.

Let's Play
Zanne made this and said I could use it. ^_^

Light Dragonair
Kitsune made it, I claimed it.

Kittenallie made it, I claimed it.

Sailor Mercury
Moonchild posted this to iconaddicts and gave me permission to use it.

Zanne made this and said I could use it. ^_^

Moon Usagi
LaLa made this.

Sailor Neptune
LaLa made this.

No Worries
Zanne made this and said I could use it. ^_^

I... think Indigo made this.

Icon Sparrow made that I claimed.

Provided by arizona_mermaid. ^_^

Ryoko Please
Made by juliechan and me. She provided the piccie and I personalized it. :-)

Ryoko Tired
Made by juliechan and me. She provided the piccie and I personalized it. :-)

Ryoko Uh-Oh
Made by juliechan and me. She provided the piccie and I personalized it. :-)

Sailor Jupiter
Made by rottenangel.

Sailor Uranus 1
ladylorien posted it, I claimed it.

Sailor Uranus 2
ladylorien posted it, I claimed it.

Moonchild posted this to iconaddicts and gave me permission to use it.

Kittenallie made it, I claimed it.

Kitsune made it, I claimed it.

Stupid Kills
Zanne made this and said I could use it. ^_^

Up Yours
Zanne made this and said I could use it. ^_^

Sailor Uranus
LaLa made this.

Ain't I the ka-yuutest?
Made by insignificance and claimed by me.

You Raw Garbage!
Zanne made this and said I could use it. ^_^

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