All the usual disclaimers apply here. I don't own 'em and please don't sue me-no copyright infringement is intended and I'm not making a dime from this. It's written out of love and respect for the characters contained within.

This short diary excerpt takes place right after JLA #46. Personally, I like Mr. Waid's work on Flash, but I hate what Mr. Waid did here with JLA #46-I don't agree at all. But, it *did* give me this idea...

Dedicated to Grant Morrison, who in my opinion understood the Bat a LOT better. We miss you Grant!

The Evening After
By Tracey Claybon

September 1, 2000
Wonderdome, Gateway City.

The ink dried on a piece of paper in a worn and battered parchment-sheeted book. The writer could be heard in the background sparring with an opponent.

1 September 2000

We can't trust him anymore. I can never trust him again. Ever.

He's done the impossible, the absolutely unforgivable.

In his own way, I thought Bruce cared about me, about Kal-but he BETRAYED us. Betrayed us, the closest thing to friends he has outside his "family"-his battle companions, shieldmates.

I knew he had the information, but I never thought he'd even do anything like this. I thought I knew him better than this. Have I been wrong about him all this time, through all these battles?

...Or, is this a plot to turn even his closest friends against him so that the darkness he keeps at bay by sheerest will will eat him alive? And if it is, what have we done?

How can we ever bridge the distance between us, now that the action is taken and all the words are said?

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